Thomas E. Scifres PC - Attorney At Law.
Thomas E. Scifres PC - Attorney At Law.
  • 43 Public Square,
    Suite 103,
    Salem, IN 47167
  • Schedule Your Free Personal Injury Consultation.

    (812) 359-8007

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Your Proactive Harrison County, IN Personal Injury Lawyer

Not sure how to approach your personal injury claim? Let us help you get the compensation you deserve.

Filing a personal injury claim can feel intimidating, especially when you have to go against a major insurance company. It gets even worse because there are various steps to the process, and it can be confusing to know where to start. 

In cases where your injuries are extensive and require substantial time to heal, you may lose out on your ability to claim because of the statute of limitation. However, understanding and filing personal injury claims doesn’t have to be complicated with the right personal injury lawyer by your side. 

At Thomas E. Scifres PC - Attorney At Law, we experienced in personal injury law and can help with filing, negotiation and litigation to ensure you get your compensation. We have worked on numerous cases and understand the emotional toll that comes with dealing with such cases, which is why we always tailor our legal services to your needs and execute our duties with empathy. 

What Is The Role Of Insurance In Personal Injury Claims?

The personal injury claims process has various stakeholders with different roles. One of the main stakeholders you will be dealing with is insurance companies, and they have several roles in this process: 

  • Financial Protection:
    The primary role of insurance companies in personal injury cases is to provide a safety net. The insurance company whether for you, or the defendant, takes care of the damages, which gives you the comfort of knowing that if your personal injury claim is successful, you will be compensated. 
  • Streamlining The Claims Process:
    The insurance company also helps streamline the claims process by investigating them, handling the paperwork, and negotiating the settlement. 
  • Risk Management:
    Insurance companies also help to cover the risk that comes with accidents. In many cases, the person who caused your injury may not be able to compensate you for all the damages you incur. By paying premiums to the insurance company, the defendant transfers the financial risk to them. This makes it easier to get full compensation for your damages. 

There is a high chance you may be facing off with an insurance company for your personal injury claim. As much as they look like the bad guy, they’re also doing their job in the process, and having them in the picture is often better for your claim. 

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What Is The Role Of Independent Medical Examiners In Personal Injury Claims?

Thomas E. Scifres PC - Attorney At Law |Harrison County, IN Personal Injury Law Firm

An independent medical examiner is a medical professional who is selected by the injured party or the insurer. They provide an objective assessment of your injuries or medical condition and your current and future treatment. 

The purpose of the IME is to give an unbiased opinion on the nature of your injuries. To provide their opinion, the IME should: 

The IME is different from your doctor. The purpose of an IME is to provide information about your injuries and health in relation to the claim. 

It’s also important to note that, unlike your doctor, nothing you say to the IME is confidential, and it is strongly recommended that you seek advice from your personal injury settlement lawyer before visiting the IME. 

What Is The Role Of A Personal Injury Attorney In Personal Injury Claims?

Personal injury attorneys have the most significant role in the claims process. Attorneys not only litigate or negotiate but also help you to build up the case. 

In most cases, a personal injury compensation lawyer will be the first person you contact when you want to file a personal injury claim. They will look at your case and determine whether it meets the threshold. They will then help you gather the necessary documents and evidence to support your claim. 

Your personal injury compensation lawyer also accounts for your damages, negotiates on your behalf, and communicates with the different parties in the claim. If there is no agreement in the settlement, one lawyer escalates and takes it to trial. 

Because of the significant role the lawyer plays, it’s essential to take your time when choosing a personal injury lawyer to ensure you pick one who is skilled, experienced, and keen on handling your case.

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Thomas E. Scifres PC - Attorney At Law: Always There For Our Clients In Harrison County, IN

Thomas E. Scifres PC - Attorney At Law |Harrison County, IN Personal Injury Law Firm

Get the assistance you need to secure the compensation you deserve!

Taking time to find the right personal injury settlement attorney in Harrison County, IN, is the best thing you can do for your personal injury claim. 

At Thomas E. Scifres PC - Attorney At Law, you have access to a qualified, skilled, and experienced legal team that specializes in personal injury cases and treats each case with the seriousness it deserves. We understand your life could depend on your claim, which is why every case matters to us. 

To get started on personal injury claim, you can contact call us at us on
(812) 359-8007 to set up an appointment and for a free consultation on your personal receive injury claim. 

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